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- News : Le patch 1.15 arrive ! -

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Le patch 1.15 arrive !

hé oui le nouveau patch 1.15 arrive

"Dans les prochaines semaines, un nouveau patch sera disponible pour Warcraft III : Reign of Chaos et son extension Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne. Ce nouveau patch résoudra les quelques bugs existants, affinera l'équilibre du jeu et proposera surtout de nouvelles fonctionnalités, telles que : un système d'appariement mis à jour, la possibilité de jouer en chacun pour soi de manière totalement anonyme, des classements par clans (pour The Frozen Throne exclusivement), une amélioration des profils de joueurs et des clans, ainsi qu'un nouveau Héros Neutre : Le Gobelin Bricolo. Les détails complets sont ici.

Afin de tester au mieux l'efficacité de ce patch, nous en proposerons une version Beta téléchargeable dans les jours qui viennent. Nous espérons que vous serez nombreux à nous rejoindre lors de cette phase Beta, afin de tester tous les nouveaux contenus et fonctionnalités du jeu. Restez connectés à pour tout savoir sur le Beta-test du nouveau patch de Warcraft III. "

et voicis les changements sur les unités :


- Flamestrike damage capped to 5 targets. If more than 5 targets are hit, the damage done to 5 targets normally is split evenly across all available targets.
- Mass Teleport cooldown increased to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.
- Level 1 water elemental damage reduced to 1d5 + 17 from 2d5 + 19, but hit points increased to 525 from 450.
- Bash % chance to hit increased by 5% across all levels.
- Slow mana cost increased to 50 from 40.
- Control Magic mana cost is now calculated based o­n the target unit's current hit points instead of its maximum hit points. The dynamic mana cost of Control Magic has also been increased to .45 mana per hit point from .3 mana per hit point.
- Spell Breaker feedback damage vs. Heroes reduced to 4 per hit from 5 per hit.
- Dragonhawk Rider damage reduced to 1d3 + 17 from 1d3 + 18.
- Flying Machine damage vs. air increased to 1d2 + 13 from 1d2 + 11.
- Militia are now level-1 units, instead of level-2 units. This causes them to give less experience when killed.
- Scout Towers can be repaired twice as fast as before.


- Frost Nova cold effect now lasts 2/3/4 seconds against Heroes. It previously lasted 4/6/8 seconds against Heroes.
- Animate Dead mana cost reduced to 175 from 250.
- Death Coil cooldown increased to 6 seconds from 5 seconds.
- The damage a Banshee takes while possessing a unit has been reduced to 225% from 300%.
- Anti-magic Shell mana cost reduced to 75 from 100.
- Anti-magic Shell correctly allows self-targeting now.
- Devour Magic cooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8 seconds.
- Ziggurat armor reduced to 1 from 5.
- Abomination hit points increased to 1175 from 1080.
- Obsidian Statue hit points reduced to 550 from 700.
- Frost Wyrm build time reduced to 65 seconds from 80 seconds.
- Boneyard build time reduced to 70 seconds from 80 seconds.
- Necromancer build time reduced to 24 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Skeletal Longevity now costs 50/75, down from 100/75, and can be researched in 30 seconds, down from 60 seconds.
- Necromancer Adept and Master training now take 30 and 45 seconds to research, down from 60 and 75 seconds.
- Exhume Corpses now requires Halls of the Dead instead of Black Citadel.
- Level-2 Carrion Beetles are now the same size as Ghouls, instead of the same size as Crypt Fiends. Level-3 Carrion Beetles are now the same size as Crypt Fiends, instead of the same size as Abominations.


- Disenchant range increased to 650 from 500, and mana cost reduced to 100 from 125.
- Feral Spirit cooldown increased from 25 to 30.
- Troll Batrider's Unstable Concoction has changed such that the Batrider increases speed dramatically when it gets within a short range of its target.
- Demolisher damage reduced to 1d18 + 71 from 1d19 + 75.
- Troll Headhunter build time reduced to 20 seconds from 22 seconds.
- Spirit Walker build time reduced to 38 from 42.

Night Elf

- Chimaera movement speed reduced to 250 from 270.
- Fan of Knives level-2 base damage increased to 125 from 120, and level-3 base damage increased from 180 to 190. Although this appears to be an upgrade, it actually is a reduction in overall power. The previous patch had a bug at levels 2 and 3 in which, if 6 or more targets were available, the ability did more than the expected amount of maximum damage. This change remedies that error.
- Mana Flare splash damage no longer harms units that lack a mana pool.


Il y a 16 commentaires sur cette news
Posté par Gillan le 14/04/2004 à 20:40.


- Commentaires -


Posté le 14/04/2004 à 21:07.

SaLaMou Avatar membre
[ 1462 ]

ouai car là....
vive le francais ... ou encore mieux...
" crénondidju "
" non d'une pétote "
" blaireau "
.... etc [ image ]


Posté le 14/04/2004 à 21:09.

Gamer_man Avatar membre
[ 5984 ]

Blizzard, je vous aime !

On aura enfin un dispel.. je vous attends, pietres necros mouhahahahhahah [ image ]

Que du bon chez les orcs, a part une lgerere baisse de 14 degats en max sur les cata ! Pas grave [ image ]

Par contre ce qui me fait peur, c'est les WYRM... BUUUHUHUUHU on va ptete en voir plein now.. a quand mass wyrm + dk ? [ image ]

GG blizzard, bslc ! (bisous sur l......)

[ image ] [ image ] [ image ] [ image ]


Posté le 14/04/2004 à 21:15.

carcass Avatar membre
[ 168 ]

J'attends de voir à l'utilisation, mais j'ai l'impression que les ud morflent bien quand même... (à part les nécros, mais bon, ils ont jamais servi à grand chose en solo...)

Bou ouh ouh !


Posté le 14/04/2004 à 21:30.

Gillan Avatar membre
[ 594 ]

de plus :


- Fixed an issue with cargo based structures/units (Entangled Gold Mines, Orc Burrows, Goblin Zeppelins, etc.) which could cause units to get stuck inside permanently.
- Fixed a problem where water elementals that died during Mass Teleport were not being properly removed from the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused hit point bars not to show up properly for some teams when viewing replays.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Anti-magic Shell art to display incorrectly on Crypt Fiends after they unburrow.
- Fixed a problem where a Scroll of Town Portal could be wasted if the targeted town hall was destroyed before the spell completed. The Hero now retains the Scroll if the spell doesn't complete.
- Fixed an issue with the Mountain Giant's Taunt that could cause Invisible and Shadowmelded units to improperly attack and reveal themselves when the ability was activated.
- Fixed an issue with the "Observers on Defeat" functionality that caused units not to be displayed on the minimap.
- Fixed a problem with the Pandaren Brewmaster that caused incorrect regeneration of health and mana while his ultimate was active.
- Fixed a problem with Spell Steal and Polymorph that could turn a ground unit into a Flying Sheep.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Web and Ensnare graphics to display improperly.
- Fixed a problem that caused the Inferno stun damage to not be applied to magic- immune units in The Frozen Throne. All ultimates should ignore magic immunity.
- Fixed some spell targeting issues with Resistant Skin. Doom (and possibly other spells) should work the same way as Charm.
- Fixed an issue with Metamorphosis which prevented some Orb effects from working while the Demon Hunter was in his altered form.
- Fixed a problem with the Scroll of Town Portal which did not allow Heroes to regenerate the appropriate hit points and mana while the spell was being cast.
- Fixed the accidentally inflated hit point regeneration rate on the Naga Sea Witch, Beastmaster, Pandaren Brewmaster, and Spell Breaker back to the standard .25 hit points per second.
- Fixed Shockwave's damage radius to 125.
- Fixed Orb items to now cause the proper damage versus air for melee Heroes.
- Fixed an issue with Militia in which units ordered "Back to Work" could change back into Militia when arriving back at the town hall.
- Fixed Breath of Fire's damage area to more accurately represent a cone area of effect, rather than a line.
- Acolytes harvesting from a Haunted Gold Mine with the Entangling Roots buff now register as idle like other peons.
- Fixed the Blight generated by the Sacrificial Skull such that a non-Undead building placed on top of the Blight will not remove the Blight when it finishes construction.
Detonate, Dispel Magic, and Disenchant correctly dispel this Blight. - Fixed an issue that allowed Banished worker units to build, Repair, and harvest. Note that Detonate and Unsummon will remain unaffected by Banish since they're considered "magical".
- Fixed Lightning Shield so that if two units with Lightning Shields overlap each other, they both correctly take damage.
- Fixed an issue that allowed an ally that did not have Shared Control to Uproot and command your Ancient of Wonders. Allied players without Shared Control should only be able to purchase items from the building.
- Fixed a problem with item-summoned units which would cause them to leave corpses and spawn units from Black Arrow.
- Fixed an issue with Animate Dead which in some cases caused the spell to transfer the unit upgrades to the new owner.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from way-pointing the Faerie Dragon's Mana Flare ability.


Expansion - Frozen Throne
- (2)Tirisfal Glades - Added more trees to bottom start location. Mercenary creep camps are better suited to drop a level-4 charged item.
- (2)TheTwoRivers - Removed the Rune of Rebirth from Ogre Mage; added Rune of Mana to Ogre Mage. Lowered Ogre Lord drop from permanent level-6 item to level-5 item. Increased level of power up.
- (2)GlacialThaw - The drop tables have been re-adjusted for better one-on-one competition.
- (4)TwistedMeadows - Corner creep camps harder to Gargoyle rush. Replaced Tavern with Goblin Merchant; replaced Marketplace with Tavern. Lowered creep strength for Goblin Merchant. Goblin Laboratories are harder to purchase from without engaging creeps.
- (4)TurtleRock - Added some trees to the south Goblin Merchant area to prevent the player from making purchases from the building without engaging the creeps that guard the building. Changed several creep drops to help with game flow.
- (6)DemonsCrossing - Fixed alliance settings.
- (6)RiverOfSouls - Removed the creeps from the taverns and fixed a cave doodad.
- (8)AzureTowerDefense - Fixed the hotkey for the Azure Wisp 'A'. Fixed a spelling error with 'Upgrade Arrow Damage' tooltip. Azure Witch had a conflicting ability hotkey that has been fixed. Brilliance Aura and Frost Arrow both used 'R'; Brilliance Aura now uses 'A'. The +3 Tome's description now correctly states that it adds +3 to all Hero attributes.
Classic - Reign of Chaos - (2)Plunder Isle - Added some trees to the north and south location near the Goblin Merchant to prevent the player from making purchases without engaging the creep guarding the building. Cleared some room around the Goblin Merchant to prevent Archer cheese.


Posté le 14/04/2004 à 23:08.

Haplo Avatar membre
[ 453 ]

ah ah ah les ud
bon sinon il faudra tester la wd pour voir... car s'il y avait un bug c'est deja moins interessant


Posté le 14/04/2004 à 23:49.

GundaM Avatar membre
[ 2337 ]

vivement kil tombe ce patch !


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 00:01.

carcass Avatar membre
[ 168 ]

Vivement qu'il tombe pas ce patche !

Je crois que je vais me gaver de ladder moi...


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 00:23.

carcass Avatar membre
[ 168 ]

Ils vont rajouter un héros neutre ! C énorme ! (et c pas une blague cette fois-ci)


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 14:01.

GundaM Avatar membre
[ 2337 ]

classement des clans, at, sk ou 4k first?


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 14:08.

bonzai Avatar membre
[ 4570 ]

great... enfin... on verra... p etre va t on voir quelques sw en partie? hum ca reste a prouver...

les changements majeur par race ?

human : slow + 10 mana : jespere que ca va suffire a reduire la puissance de ce sort... mais bon le pb de l aura de mana de l AM restera alors...

ud : grosse baisse semble t il de leur defense naturelle : les zig. aussi baisse de la puissance du combo dk lich mais la encore laura des statues va continuer maintenir ce combo deadly, no? sinon gros up sur les wyrm qui me fait dire que nous autre orc avons du soucis a nous faire de ce coté... au final de nouveau style et strat a dev pour les ud.

orc : gros buff des sw. mais j ai peur que le mana continue a leur manquer. le changement des bats aura sans doute peu d impact sauf p etre contre les faucon humain.

ne : hum encore rabaissé les povr ne. vs les orcs ca va pas les aider.


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 14:34.

GundaM Avatar membre
[ 2337 ]

moi perso voici mon avis:
j'en ai pas vue que je joue sans savoir qui fait quoi, et qui nique quoi, enfin jusqu'à que je pose la question à haplo et qu'il me révèle sa science de ce jeu ^^
moi ce qui me hâte le plus c'est les changements niveau profile et clan çà a l'air vraiment cool
sinon c'est clair que les hu n'ont pas été descendu à ce ke je vois, mdr la mana t'en a à fond avec l'am à cot" ste blague, au contraire la milice qui passe level 1 c degueu !
les ud sortiront enfin de leur base au lieu de se planquer derriere leur zigourrat indestructibles, quant au nuke, rajout d'une seconde faudra voir ce ke çà donne mais bon, rush necro/wyrm? snifff
les orcs? à voir
les ne, je suis deg qu'il baisse la vitesse des chim va falloir ke je change de strat encore....

les boots seront que la 1ere nuit et couteront plus cheres çà pue çà :/
et le new hero hihi à voir...


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 14:38.

Gamer_man Avatar membre
[ 5984 ]

Quand j'aurais mon SW, je passerai UD... ca me plait bien les necro.. et les wyrm j'adore ^^


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 15:01.

Haplo Avatar membre
[ 453 ]


j'en ai pas vue que je joue sans savoir qui fait quoi, et qui nique quoi, enfin jusqu'à que je pose la question à haplo et qu'il me révèle sa science de ce jeu ^^

[ image ] le pire c'est que c'est vrai... on se comprend ^^

Sinon j'adorre la baisse des 4 degats et quelques des cata orcs... super ^^
Bah sinon je ne juge pas tant que je n'ai pas joué.... en tout cas fini le trush tour des esprits hein squall AH AH AH


Posté le 15/04/2004 à 20:50.

Jay-z Avatar membre
[ 898 ]

OMFG!!!!! Les ud ont été encore baissés. TT
Blizzard up des nécros mais je crois ke le necromancien est le caster le plus weak de Frozen donc...
Quant aux frost, fo pas rever, c pas ce patch ki va faire appraitre des bo dragons tout bleu pleins les é goule reste l'unité phare des ud. La goule est unique, elle est belle, elle est agile, bref, sans goules les ud seraient plus les ud... goule je t'aime!


Posté le 16/04/2004 à 00:09.

Gamer_man Avatar membre
[ 5984 ]

rajoute des necros, tu leur offrira une 2eme vie [ image ]

#16 - ma goule chérie

Posté le 25/04/2004 à 16:19.

[ 64 ]


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